7 Ways to find Inspiration as a Photographer

I know that a lot of beginner photographers struggle to practice. They don’t live near great landscapes, don’t feel confident taking pictures in the street or simply can’t find inspiration. And sometimes even the experienced photographers seem to run out of ideas and inspiration.

However, the only way to improve in photography is to practice. I know it’s not always easy with our busy life.

To help you, I’ve listed for you below 10 ways to find inspiration for photographers.

Look at others photographers work.
I always find some inspiration in others photographers’ work. Obviously, you don’t want to be copying their pictures or style but you might see something that will inspire you to compose your own original shot.

Social media can be a great source of inspiration
Search for the type of photography you would like to see (portraits, Landscapes, Abstract) and you’ll be surprised by the amount of great shots you will see on social media like Facebook, Instagram and more.

Get out of your comfort zone
If you’re a landscape photographer, why not try some Portraits with family? If you’re a portrait photographer, why not try some abstract art? Don’t categories yourself too quickly.
Maybe you prefer landscape or portrait but that doesn’t mean you cannot have a go at other styles of photography. Who knows? Maybe you’re not too bad at it either. So get out of your comfort zone and try all genres of photography.

Go outside
Even if it’s just in your garden or in the nearest park. Nature is the best source of inspiration. Ever.

Stop shooting
Sometimes you can get a lot of pressure by shooting everywhere, all the time. “I have to take my camera in case I miss the greatest shot ever”. Sounds familiar? Force yourself to leave your camera at home and just enjoy the moment. Whether you’re on a walk, with family or friends. Just take a break.

Allow yourself to have fun
Experiment! Maybe the picture will look bad, but you will have tried something new. Go out there and try something new by experimenting and have fun, you might end up shooting something amazing.

Take a course
Whatever your level, I would recommend taking a photography course. Go with an open mind.

Maybe you won’t learn anything ground breaking, but seeing other fellow photographers and their point of view can bring a lot of inspiration.


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